Maik Aussendorf
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Maik Aussendorf

Member of Parliament
German Bundestag

After studying mathematics and computer science in Münster and writing his diploma thesis on Artificial Neural Networks (AI), Mr. Außendorf worked from 1999 in the Rhineland as a consultant and branch manager at Suse Linux AG. From 2004 he was co-founder and managing director of two IT consulting and software companies in the open source environment.

Since 2009 Maik Außendorf is member of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Alliance 90/The Greens). From 2014 to 2021 he served as member of the city council in Bergisch Gladbach and speaker of the city council faction for traffic, economy and finances. Mr. Außendorf has been a member of the Bundestag since 2021. As spokesman for digital policy and as a member of the Committee for Digitalization and the Committee for Economic Affairs, he is committed to making the best possible use of the potential of digitalization in government and society and to driving forward the ecological transformation of the economy.

Maik Aussendorf
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