Boris Beuster
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Boris Beuster

Cyber Security - Head of Governance, Risk & Compliance

Boris studied economics with a wholesale/resale focus and gained experience as project manager for process optimisation and IT. Since 2011 he has been working on cyber security topics and made it his profession 2014 at innogy. After leading the Information Security Officers at innogy, Boris embraced the merge with E.ON, acting now as Head of Governance, Risk and Compliance. Amongst other topics, in both roles Boris has been responsible for Cyber Security Awareness and his team has implemented and drives the “Human Firewall” campaign.

Boris Beuster
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November 10, 2022
12:20 - 12:40
Panel - Cyber Hygiene Best Practices: Why does it Matter?
Combined Session
November 10, 2022
15:20 - 16:00
Panel - Overcoming vulnerabilities around Human Factors
Combined Session
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