Jochen Werne
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Jochen Werne

Managing Director - Chief Business Development & Visionary Officer
Prosegur Germany & Prosegur Crypto

Jochen Werne is a German Manager with a proven track record in business & digital transformation and in the field of People's Diplomacy. He's a member of the Executive Committee of PROSEGUR Cash Services and in charge of Business Development, Innovation, Business Process Outsourcing, Solutions, New Products and International Sales. He's a member of the Federal Ministry of Education & Research artificial intelligence initiative ‘Learning Systems’; member of one of world's leading think tanks, the Royal Institute of International Affairs ‘Chatham House’. He’s a recognised keynote speaker and co-author of several books about innovation, leadership, AI, FinTech, Cyber Security etc. He has been awarded several times for his engagement in the support of international relations. He’s recognised by Focus-Magazine as one of the leading KI experts in Germany. He’s the ambassador of the Peter Tamm sen. Foundation as well as founder of the Global offshore Sailing Team (GOST) and co-founder of the NGO Mission4Peace, which is dedicated to historic research, the establishment of international, diplomatic relations and the encouragement of international dialogue. For his efforts, Jochen Werne has received repeated international recognition.

Jochen Werne
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