Martin Kuppinger's Must Watch Sessions
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Martin Kuppinger's Must Watch Sessions

Martin Kuppinger
Published on Oct 10, 2022

CSLS (Cybersecurity Leadership Summit) 2022, a fully hybrid event taking place Nov 8th to 10th in Berlin, is approaching quickly. Being asked to pick few must watch sessions, I had the challenge of selecting only a few, instead of a long list of sessions worthwhile to attend or stream. Here are my five favorites. 

Frank Fischer, CISO of the Deutsche Bahn, will talk about the role a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) can potentially play in increasing cyber resilience. Just a hype or the one thing we need to tackle Cybersecurity Supply Chain Security? 

With many CISOs speaking at the event, there is plenty of opportunity for learning from them. One good option is the CISO Panel on mitigating state sponsored attacks. Five CISOs/former CISOs will share their knowledge. 

When it is about buzzwords, SASE and Zero Trust appear first in the cybersecurity domain. John Tolbert will shed a light at these and what is really behind these concepts, as well as how these relate to each other. 

Another important subject for increasing cyber-attack resilience is cyber hygiene. This is where all starts. Manuel Garat Loureiro of will talk about cyber hygiene as the backbone of security and IAM strategies. Don’t miss this talk. 

Last not least, MDM is of increasing relevance and becoming a challenge not just for the media and marketing departments, but for CISOs. And it is not MDM as in Master Data Management or in Mobile Device Management, but MDM as in Misinformation – Disinformation – Malinformation. Fake news is part of it, and MDM can damage businesses, not to speak about the public sector. Dr. Barbara Mandl and Hila Meller will share their experience. 

These are just five out of dozens of interesting presentations and panels. Don’t miss CSLS 2022. Looking forward to meeting you in person in Berlin in November.

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