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An Austrian Road to the EUDI Wallet

An Austrian Road to the EUDI Wallet

Tuesday, May 06, 2025 17:50—18:10
Location: C01

Austria has introduced electronic identity and mobile identity in the early 2000s, meanwhile enjoying broad acceptance and use for online authentication by natural persons or in representing other natural or legal persons, as well as offline use like a mobile driving license or mobile identity cards. The keynote will show how this evolved, but in particular what the plans are to seamlessly transform to the European Digital Identity Wallet. The talk will address success factors, but also potential pitfalls that may lie ahead. Attention will be given on how the European Digital Identity Wallet should complement existing policy initiatives like the Once-Only Technical System in order to leverage the impact by best exploiting synergies.

Herbert Leitold
Herbert Leitold is Director of A-SIT, Secure Information Technology Center Austria, a public funded association advising the public sector on information security. He has 25+ years’...
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