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Integrating Identity into Security Solutions

Integrating Identity into Security Solutions

Wednesday, December 04, 2024 12:15—13:15
Location: Sirius

Threat of AI in relation to the use of the EU Digital Identity Wallet

With the arrival of the EU Digital Identity Wallet, the users will be able to store and manage a lot of information and many relationships. This is of course very convenient for the users, but will also make this an attractive target for criminals. In the Nordics, we are already seeing a lot of attacks on users, tricking them into using their BankID, where the criminals will be able to transfer money. With AI, the attacks will be more sophisticated, and the use of deep-fakes to steal large amounts of money has already happened.

The presentation will show the danger of the AI attacks used to hack people, and how the existing technical protections (such as MFA) will not prevent these, as it is the users themselves doing the transactions. In addition, it will look at how we are currently doing fraud prevention in the financial industry, and why these mechanisms may be challenging with the wallet, due to restrictions in the eIDAS2 regulation.

John Erik Setsaas
Director of Innovation
Tietoevry Banking
With over 25 years’ experience in digital identity, John Erik Setsaas is a pioneer in this space. He is a prolific speaker at fintech industry events around the world including Money20/20...
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Explore revolutionary strategies in identity security. Learn how to outsmart emerging threats and fortify digital identities with cutting-edge solutions, ensuring unparalleled protection in the dynamic cyber world.

Bjarke Alling
Epical Group
Principal Advisor with the Nordic Digital Trust consulting company Epical. Prior chair and member of the National Danish Cybersecurity Council and prior chair of the IT Security Committee at The...
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