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Threat Actor Analysis

Threat Actor Analysis

Wednesday, December 04, 2024 11:15—12:15
Location: Satellit

How Threat Actors will attack Crypto with Quantum Computing
Prof. Bart Preneel
Full professor
University of Leuven
Prof. Bart Preneel, a full professor at KU Leuven, leads the renowed COSIC research group. His expertise lies in applied cryptography, cybersecurity, and privacy. Prof. Preneel has delivered over...
Ransomware and DDOS and the contrary of those business models from a CISO perspective
Christopher Ruppricht
Chief Information Security Officer
At the beginning of December 2022, Christopher Ruppricht took up his new position as CISO at the German credit agency Schufa. His task is to work with his team to develop and maintain the IT...
Unmasking Threat Actors: Advanced Analysis Techniques - Andrea Schmitt

Andrea Schmitt from PwC will explore advanced techniques for identifying and understanding threat actors. Gain insights into their tactics, motives, and behaviors to enhance your organization's threat intelligence and defense strategies. Discover how to stay ahead of cyber adversaries through effective threat actor analysis.

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