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A 360° view on security – Why we need to see more than Cybersecurity

A 360° view on security – Why we need to see more than Cybersecurity

Wednesday, December 04, 2024 09:50—10:10
Location: Plateau

If you take a look at the media on the topic of security, this is often limited to two aspects: cybersecurity, including vulnerabilities in systems, and the security service in personal protection. But behind the concept of security, we subsume topics that go far beyond – for example, geopolitical influences, changes in the labour market, or new technologies. So let’s have a look together at the challenges of today and find out what we should have in mind when it comes to security!

Thomas Tschersich
Deutsche Telekom
Thomas Tschersich, Diploma in engineering (University of Applied Sciences), is Chief Security Officer (CSO) of Deutsche Telekom AG. In this function, he is responsible for cyber security as well as...
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