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Networking Event
Tuesday, December 03, 2024 18:30—20:30
Location: Exhibition floor

Unleash Your Inner Hessian at Hesse Night

Handkäs, Äbbelwoi and Grie Soß - if you have no idea what this is, you clearly aren’t from the German state of Hesse.

At cyberevolution’s Hesse Night we will present to you delicious culinary specialties from one of the historically and economically most significant of Germany’s sixteen states.

To get you started, here is some useful vocabulary to use when navigating the urban landscape in Frankfurt or the Hesse Night:

Äbbelwoi - Apple cider
Bembel - Hessian earthenware jug, grey with blue decoration, for serving apple cider
Geripptes - Special tumbler for apple wine in Hesse
Handkäs - Marinated (German) hand cheese
Grie Soß - Frankfurt green sauce
Ai Gude Wie - Hello, how are you?

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