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CyberSecurity is Business Critical

CyberSecurity is Business Critical

Tuesday, December 03, 2024 16:30—17:00
Location: Plateau

Join Alexander Klimburg for a crucial keynote at CyberRevolution 2024, where he will outline why cybersecurity is a critical pillar for business continuity and growth. Alex will argue that cybersecurity must transcend its traditional IT confines to become a central, board-level priority. He will highlight how recent regulations such as NIS2, DORA, and others not only mandate board involvement but also hold business leaders personally accountable for actively managing cybersecurity risks.

Alex will emphasize that in today's risk landscape, effective cybersecurity strategies are vital for organizational resilience and are essential to fulfilling both regulatory requirements and business objectives.

Dr. Alexander Klimburg
Senior Fellow, former Head of the Center for Cybersecurity at the World Economic Forum
The Hague Center for Strategic Studies
Dr. Alexander Klimburg is an author and adviser on cybersecurity and Internet governance.  Currently he is a Senior Fellow at The Hague Center for Strategic Studies (The Hague) and the...
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