Knowing differences between Cyber Resistance and Cyber Resilience
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Knowing differences between Cyber Resistance and Cyber Resilience

Combined Session
Friday, May 13, 2022 12:00—12:30
Location: A03-04

You've probably heard about Cyber Resilience, but what should be the differences between the two terms in the context of Cybersecurity? Cyber Resistance is the same or not?. During this presentation, we will be understanding the differences between Cyber Resistance and Cyber resilience, and how we can apply both concepts to our current technology landscape, besides understanding how we can identify the High-Value Target (HVT) in our organization

Filipi Pires
Filipi Pires
I’ve been working as Security and Threat Researcher at Saporo, and Cybersecurity Advocate at senhasegura, Snyk Ambassador, Application Security Specialist, Hacking is NOT a crime Advocate and...
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