Privacy & the 7 Laws of Identity
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Privacy & the 7 Laws of Identity

Tuesday, May 10, 2022 19:20—19:40
Location: C01

Last November, the creator of the 7 Laws of Identity, Digital ID thought leader and focal point of a Global Identity Community, Kim Cameron, passed away. He not only left us with an uncountable number of unforgettable moments. He also left us with those 7 laws of Identity, a set of fundamental principles that have helped shaping modern privacy legislation and which are more relevant today as ever before. In this keynote session, 7 of Kim´s friends, colleagues and co-founders will talk about today´s relevance of Kim´s work. The session will be moderated by Jackson Shaw who worked with Kim back in the 90ies at ZoomIT.  

Joni Brennan
Joni Brennan
Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada
Joni Brennan is the President of the Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC). Building upon 15 years of hands on experience in Identity Access Management innovations and industry...
Dr. Michael B. Jones
Dr. Michael B. Jones
Michael B. Jones is a Standards Architect at Microsoft. He is an editor of the OpenID Connect specifications, several IETF OAuth specifications, including JSON Web Token (JWT), the IETF JOSE (JSON...
Eve Maler
Eve Maler
Venn Factory
Eve is a globally recognized pioneer in identity and access management and standards, with roots in semi-structured data modeling and the API economy and a passion for fostering successful...
Doc Searls
Doc Searls
Customer Commons
Doc Searls is author of The Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge (Harvard Business Review Press, 2012), co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto (Basic Books, 2000 and...
Joyce Searls
Joyce Searls
Customer Commons
Joyce Searls is a serial entrepreneur whose business, management and marketing instincts have been successfully applied across diverse industries, including apparel, hospitality, real estate, and...
Jackson Shaw
Jackson Shaw
Clear Skye
Jackson began his identity management career as an early employee at Toronto-based Zoomit Corp., the pioneer in the development of meta-directory products who Microsoft acquired in 1999. While at...
Don Thibeau
Don Thibeau
OpenID Foundation
Don Thibeau serves on the Board of the OpenID Foundation, a non-profit, standards development organization committed to international interoperable technical standards. He was OIDF’s...
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