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Privacy = Data Protection + X

Combined Session
Friday, May 13, 2022 10:50—11:10
Location: B05

Data Protection is a very basic and profound concept of translating privacy as a human right into the digital sphere. But is it enough? and are our current approaches the right ones? In this panel we will try to find answers on how we can translate privacy into the (metaverse) future.

Joni Brennan
Joni Brennan
Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada
Joni Brennan is the President of the Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC). Building upon 15 years of hands on experience in Identity Access Management innovations and industry...
Dr. David Chadwick
Dr. David Chadwick
Truetrust Ltd
As a Professor of Information Security at the University Kent, David Chadwick was an active researcher in identity management for nearly 30 years. His team built open source and closed source...
Adam Cooper
Adam Cooper
ID Crowd
Adam is an identity standards expert, policy lead, and enterprise architect with over 30 years of experience in innovation and service transformation. Having played a leading role in the...
Katryna Dow
Katryna Dow
Katryna Dow is the founder and CEO of Meeco; a personal data platform that enables people to securely exchange data via the API-of-Me with the people and organisations they trust ...
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