Decentralized, Global, Human-Owned. The Role of IDM in an Ideal (If there is One) Web3 World
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Decentralized, Global, Human-Owned. The Role of IDM in an Ideal (If there is One) Web3 World

Friday, May 13, 2022 09:20—09:40
Location: C01

The Internet had been created without an identity layer, leaving it to websites and applications to take care for authentication, authorization, privacy and access. We all know the consequences - username and password still being the dominant paradigm and, even more important, users not having control over information that personally identifies them. The risk of data misuse, of being hacked or manipulated has become a significant challenge and and requires a new approach in times of an emerging web3 and its core capability of transferring value. Is decentralized, DLT based Identity the solution that finally will enable DeFi, NFTs and DAOs? Join this awesome keanote panel to controversially discuss this topic. 

Andre Durand
Andre Durand
Ping Identity
Andre Durand is a twelve year veteran of the enterprise software industry, a recognized leader in the identity industry and a pioneer behind the concepts of the digital identity network. In...
Martin Kuppinger
Martin Kuppinger
Martin Kuppinger is Founder and Principal Analyst at KuppingerCole, a leading analyst company for identity focused information security, both in classical and in cloud environments. Prior to...
Nat Sakimura
Nat Sakimura
OpenID Foundation
Nat Sakimura is a well-known identity and privacy standardization architect and the Chairman of the OpenID Foundation. He is a co-author of many frequently used international standards such as...
Drs. Jacoba C. Sieders
Drs. Jacoba C. Sieders
Jacoba is a digital identity expert, eager to make digital life better and a lot more secure than it is today. Keynote speaker at international IAM congresses and teacher of masterclasses. ...
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