Model, Measure, Manage - The Journey to Autonomous Security in a Hybrid Multi-Cloud World
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Model, Measure, Manage - The Journey to Autonomous Security in a Hybrid Multi-Cloud World

Tuesday, May 10, 2022 15:10—15:30
Location: C01

We cannot manage what we cannot measure.

Peter Drucker is often attributed to having coined this golden nugget of business wisdom to direct executives on a data-driven path for continuous improvement. Measuring your current state allows you to detect movement, but measuring progress requires defining the desired target state against which movement will be measured. Policy-based modeling allows an IT organization to define its strategic intent or the "desired state" for its infrastructure, identities, and their access.

The principles of Zero Trust and Least Privilege are constantly challenged by the complex multi-Cloud hybrid IT landscapes we manage. This discussion will explore the role of modeling and abstraction using semantic mappings to simplify management and measure progress towards a more secure automated identity infrastructure.

Model, Measure, Manage - The Journey to Autonomous Security in a Hybrid Multi-Cloud World
Event Recording
Model, Measure, Manage - The Journey to Autonomous Security in a Hybrid Multi-Cloud World
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Model, Measure, Manage - The Journey to Autonomous Security in a Hybrid Multi-Cloud World
Presentation deck
Model, Measure, Manage - The Journey to Autonomous Security in a Hybrid Multi-Cloud World
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
Patrick Parker
Patrick Parker
Patrick Parker is the founder and CEO of EmpowerID, a company specializing in Identity and Access Management for over 20 years. He pioneered the unique use of Role and Attribute-Based Access...
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