Demonstration of a Use-Case for Tracking a Supply Chain in the Garment Sector by Using the Blockchain Technology
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Demonstration of a Use-Case for Tracking a Supply Chain in the Garment Sector by Using the Blockchain Technology

Wednesday, September 18, 2019 16:40—17:00
Location: Empore

In the past, various CSR quality seals have been introduced and compliance with them is regularly audited by the respective clients. Since suppliers are not published for reasons of procurement strategy, supply networks are currently without transparency. In order to check compliance with CSR standards, a large number of audits are carried out at each individual supplier, for which each brand is responsible. The consequences are high audit costs for the brands and a heavy burden on the individual suppliers.

The common objective of the textile brands and the regulatory authorities is to demonstrate compliance with CSR standards throughout the supply chain, down to the individual product. The secondary objective is to reduce the effort and costs of auditing and to create the possibility of sharing audits already carried out with partners.

What can blockchain technology contribute to product traceability? Learn more and join our keynote!

Ansgar Lohmann
Ansgar Lohmann
KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH
Ansgar Lohmann, born 24.03.1975, has been working for “KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH” in Germany since July 2013 and has been deployed as the Head of the CSR Department (Corporate...
Dr.-Ing. Anja Wilde
Dr.-Ing. Anja Wilde
evan GmbH
Anja Wilde is the Head of Product at evan GmbH and is responsible for the advancement of the business blockchain Prior to this, as Head of Project Management & Consulting, she...
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