How to avoid internal Fraud I
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Compliance Profiling for Finance Systems

Combined Session
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 15:00—16:00
Location: Solaris

What is necessary to track down manipulations to (financial) applications? How can regulatory compliance be audited and monitored in a cost-sensitive yet effective way? Dr. Boehmer has worked on a model for automated monitoring of the fulfillment of legal, institutional, and organizational requirements, which he calls "compliance analysis". In contrast to classic methods used for safeguarding corporate networks, which can primarily be described using first order logic calculus, e.g. through signatures or patterns and rule systems, methods used by knowledge-based systems (data mining) are more advisable in the case of compliance analysis. Boehmer´s model is borrowed from criminology and is referred to as compliance profiling.

Compliance Profiling for Finance Systems
Presentation deck
Compliance Profiling for Finance Systems
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Dr. Wolfgang Boehmer
Dr. Wolfgang Boehmer
Darmstadt University
Wolfgang Boehmer works as an external scientist at the TU-Darmstadt presently. His research focus on risk and security-management systems and their analytical description as well as their...
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