Evolving your Existing IAM/IAG Infrastrucure
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IAM/IAG: Balancing Existing Investments with your Future Needs

Combined Session
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 14:30—15:30

Balancing existing investments with future needs – this is a tough challenge to solve. This is even more true for IAM/IAG, where organizations face a number of new challenges such as onboarding business partners and customers, collaborating in industry networks, or managing access to Cloud services securely. Clearly, there is the need of having a big picture in mind, defining a roadmap, and executing this step-by-step, while regularly adjusting the vision, strategy, and roadmap to new requirements.

Aside of the question, how a big picture should and could look like today for IAM/IAG, it is also about implementing a good program management. This session will talk about how such a program management could look like. How to ensure that dependencies between various components are known? How to build an infrastructure that avoids lock-in and allows exchanging various components? How to work based on risk? How to implement controls for the program management process itself? How to communicate with the business departments to balance their urging requirements with the ability of IT to deliver and the need for risk mitigation? This session will provide answers and approaches on how to do that best.

IAM/IAG: Balancing Existing Investments with your Future Needs
Presentation deck
IAM/IAG: Balancing Existing Investments with your Future Needs
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
Prof. Dr. Sachar Paulus
Prof. Dr. Sachar Paulus
Prof. Dr. Sachar Paulus is KuppingerCole Scientific Advisor and a former KuppingerCole Senior Analyst. Sachar was 8 years with SAP in leading security positions, responsible for Secure Software...
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