Joris Luder
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Joris Luder

Product Owner

Bachelor in Digital Communication, Faculty of Journalism,  Hogeschool van Utrecht, the Netherlands. Product Owner since 2006, for different companies,  working Scrum Agile since 2007.

Positions including; Rational approach to managing employee sick leave, process optimalisation of medical procedures. Facilitating online collective offers for Dutch health insurances (collectieve ziektekosten verzekeringen). Gathering, cleansing and interpreting customer data of garage companies, including events to predict customer behaviour. Identity and Access Management for people working in Dutch mobility companies, including provisioning of customer data and subscription information.

Experience with Scrum Agile teams working on site, near shoring (Poland/Romania) and off shoring (India) and mixed.

Living in and working from Amsterdam.

Joris Luder
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May 12, 2022
12:00 - 12:20
Connecting 10.000+ mobility companies and multi million customers
Combined Session
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