Rohon Kundu
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Rohon Kundu

Ph.D. Student
Lund University

Rohon is a Ph.D. student working at the Department of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund University in Sweden. His primary research focus lies in analyzing the security aspects of various blockchain protocols that offer decentralized cloud storage like Filecoin and Storj. He is also actively researching in the area of zero-knowledge proofs systems for achieving scalability in blockchain transactions. Through his research, Rohon tries to find potential future innovations in the decentralized ecosystem and Web 3.0. His ongoing research work in achieving security through blockchain technology has won the SEB Open Innovation Challenge Award 2021. Previous to joining the Lund University, Rohon holds an International Double Master Degree in Mathematics under the flagship of the ALGANT Master Program from the Universität Regensburg in Germany and the University of Milan in Italy respectively.

Rohon Kundu
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