Duane Blackburn
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Duane Blackburn

S&T Policy Lead
MITRE Corporation - Center for Data-Driven Policy

Duane Blackburn leads science and technology policy for MITRE’s Center for Data-Driven Policy, which brings objective, evidence-based, nonpartisan insights to government policymaking.

Mr. Blackburn previously served for eight years (across two administrations) in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), with identity being one of his portfolios.

He has more than 20 years of experience leading interagency and public-private teams in the development of federal policies and strategies that are objective, nonpartisan, data-driven, actionable, and measurable. He was a finalist for a 2002 Service to America Medal, established an interagency team that received the 2009 National Intelligence Certificate of Distinction and was the executive producer of an outreach team that received a 2012 Communicator Award of Excellence from the International Academy of Visual Arts. He was also one of twelve individuals whose leadership approach was studied by the Partnership for Public Service to identify the critical attributes found within the nation’s highest-performing public servants.

Mr. Blackburn led the development and implementation of government-wide S&T strategies on a variety of subjects through the National Science and Technology Council. Influenced the conceptualization and oversight of national policies and federal systems throughout the formative stages of the nation’s homeland security enterprise. He is a longtime consensus-builder and mentor in the field of biometrics and identity, having led federal activities as the community matured into serving a foundational role in critical homeland and national security operations.

Duane Blackburn
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May 11, 2022
12:40 - 13:00
A Learning Agenda for Federal Identity
Combined Session
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