Dr. Michiel van der Veen
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Dr. Michiel van der Veen

Director Innovation & Development
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Netherlands

Michiel is a seasoned executive & thought leader with a specific interest in management, innovation, technology and digitization.

Michiel van der Veen is Director Innovation & Development at the National Office for Identity Data of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations in the Netherlands, and member of the TEG at the World bank (id4d.worldbank.org).

From 2008-2018, Michiel was Chief Executive Officer of priv-ID and GenKey, respectively, providing (biometric) ID solutions for governments in developing countries. He was involved in the delivery of many large-scale identification projects and has led GenKey through multiple stages of growth to become one of the most trusted brands in the market. Starting his career from 2000-2008, he held several technical and leadership positions within Philips Electronics, and received the Distinguished Employee Award and the Entrepreneurship Award.

Michiel has a MSc in Geophysics from Utrecht University, a Ph.D from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) and further business education from Stanford.

Dr. Michiel van der Veen
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