Brian Chappell
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Brian Chappell

VP of Product Management
One Identity

Brian joined One Identity in March 2023 and is responsible for the overall product strategy and execution. During a 35-year career, Brian has held senior roles in a number of companies from small systems integrators through to multinational, highly regulated enterprises including BeyondTrust, GlaxoSmithKline, BBC Television, and Amstrad plc. Experience in a varied set of IT functions, on both sides of the vendor/customer table, has provided Brian with a clear insight into what is important in successful business partnerships and how technology can be leveraged to facilitate business growth. A focus on customer experience sits at the heart of Brian's approach to Product Management and a focus on team is the core of his management style. Brian joined One Identity as it represents the broadest and deepest portfolio for delivering robust, reliable cybersecurity to organizations of all sizes. He believes that One Identity is the company best struggle to effectively train staff to recognize and respond to social engineering tactics, leaving them vulnerable to attacks.

Brian Chappell
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May 11, 2022
18:10 - 18:30
The Path to Zero Trust by Securing Privileged Identities
Combined Session
May 12, 2022
15:30 - 15:50
PAM Panel Session
Combined Session
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