Lessons Everyone Should Learn from the Finance Industry
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Lessons Everyone Should Learn from the Finance Industry

Combined Session
Thursday, May 12, 2011 16:30—17:30
Location: Auditorium

The Finance industry currently is the industry with the strongest regulatory pressure. But others aren't that far away - think about utilities, think about the eGovernment or healthcare. And the ones who don't feel under pressure yet: This will happen. Incidents like Wikileaks (threatening non-governments right now), information theft and the generally increased awareness will change what organizations have to do. Thus it is time to understand why and how you should act to be ready before it is too late.

Lessons Everyone Should Learn from the Finance Industry
Presentation deck
Lessons Everyone Should Learn from the Finance Industry
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Martin Kuppinger
Martin Kuppinger
Martin Kuppinger is Founder and Principal Analyst at KuppingerCole, a leading analyst company for identity focused information security, both in classical and in cloud environments. Prior to...
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