Introduction to Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)
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Introduction to Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)

Combined Session
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 12:00—13:00
Location: Empore

There is broad consensus across the digital identity community that in order to build a self-sovereign identity architecture, we need to start with a new type of identifier that can be created, updated, and revoked by an entity without any intermediary or central authority. Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) fulfill this requirement - they are fully under the control of the subject that the DID refers to. DIDs are stored in blockchains or other decentralized systems, and they form the basis for higher-level technologies such as Verifiable Credentials, DID Auth, Hubs, Agents, etc. They are currently being standardized at the W3C and implemented by various communities such as the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF). In this presentation we will talk about everything there is to know about DIDs, their current state, and next steps.

Key takeaways: 
- What are DIDs and how do they fit in with other technologies?
- What is the current state of standardization and development?
- What functionality and use cases do they enable? Who implements them and how are they used today?

Markus Sabadello
Markus Sabadello
Danube Tech
Markus Sabadello has been a pioneer and leader in the field of digital identity for many years and has contributed to cutting-edge technologies that have emerged in this space. He is co-editor of...
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