Authentication Standards & User-Managed Access
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Establishing an European Digital Identity Network Based on Trust and Standards

Combined Session
Thursday, May 16, 2019 11:00—12:00
Location: AMMERSEE I

Digital ID is a key control point in the digital economy. The barriers for registration and (strong) authentication of customers must be broken down so the best services will win. Currently hyper platforms dominate the ID market at the expense of user sovereignty. How can we return data sovereignty to the user and enable companies to create more innovative business models with a safe and fair usage of ID data? We need to create a European network for digital identities based on mutual trust and joint standards.

Establishing an European Digital Identity Network Based on Trust and Standards
Presentation deck
Establishing an European Digital Identity Network Based on Trust and Standards
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
Dr. Dirk Woywod
Dr. Dirk Woywod
Dr. Dirk Woywod has been Managing Director and Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at Verimi GmbH since 2018 a leading ID-Wallet provider in Germany. After completing his PhD in theoretical physics at...
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