Cross-Platform Authentication with Active Directory (Session II)
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Cross-Platform Authentication with Active Directory (Session II)

Friday, April 25, 2008 16:00—17:30
Location: Antares

Active Directory provides industry-standard Kerberos authentication and LDAP services. Using freely available open source products, you can leverage Active Directory to provide authentication services for your Linux and Unix machines… but the process is surprisingly painful and error-prone. Using winbind from the Samba project, Kirkpatrick will guide the audience in a step-by-step process for configuring a Red Hat Linux server to join an Active Directory domain, and for configuring the server to authenticate using Active Directory.

Gil Kirkpatrick
Gil Kirkpatrick
Gil Kirkpatrick is chief technology officer for NetPro and a Directory Services MVP. He is also the founder of the popular Directory Experts Conference and the author of Active Directory...
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