You Know Who Is "ROOT", and Which of Your Admins Use the Credentials?
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You Know Who Is "ROOT", and Which of Your Admins Use the Credentials?

Expert Talk
Thursday, May 12, 2016 14:00—14:20
Location: IS4IT Booth

In today’s high regulated IT one of the most challenging organizational points is to manage privileged account credentials like Linux/ Unix “root”, Windows “Administrator” and non-personal accounts. We will talk about privileged account identification and how to stay compliant with regulation requirements. Security is not a one pager! To manage your privileged accounts requires more than one tool. Hear how the tool box of Micro Focus with Identity Manager, Privileged Account Manager and Sentinel helps to get this challenge done.

Stefan Schertler
Stefan Schertler
Stefan is Senior Consultant for Identity and Access Management at IS4IT GmbH. In his role he is responsible for strategic consulting and design for IAM / IAG solutions. Stefan has more years of...
Dr. Juergen Spitzner
Dr. Juergen Spitzner
Micro Focus
Dr. Jürgen Spitzner has been working with Micro Focus (Novell / NetIQ) and other companies in the area of User- and Identity, Access & Security Management, since 1992. He...
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