Internet Scale Encryption, Authentication, Authorization
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uProve: The Pricipal of Minimal Disclosure at Work

Combined Session
Wednesday, May 06, 2015 12:00—13:00

U-Prove is a cryptographic technology that allows users to take control over their data and minimally disclose certified information about themselves when interacting with online resource providers. U-Prove provides a superset of the security features of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), and also provide strong privacy protections by offering superior user control and preventing unwanted user tracking.

In his presentation, Ronny Bjones from Microsoft will describe uProve and talk about the deployment of uProve in Life Management use cases

Ronny Bjones
Ronny Bjones
Ronny Bjones currently is working for Microsoft Corporate as senior architect in the identity & security division. Ronny joined Microsoft in 2002 to contribute in trustworthy computing. Later...
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