Application Security
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Protecting your Applications Against the Threat of Attacks and Data Breaches

Combined Session
Thursday, May 15, 2014 15:30—16:30
Location: AMMERSEE I

Everything we talk about during this conference, is based on software. Even more, we see clear trends towards a "Software Defined EVerything", replacing specialized hardware with software solutions. Therefore, to protect your business against espionage, attacks and data breaches, you must address applications security challenges. In this expert panel, we will draw an outline of an application security program leading your enterprise through the age of  cloud, mobile, social.  

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Pohl
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Pohl
softScheck GmbH
Hartmut Pohl is Professor for Information Security at Bonn University, and CEO/Founder of softScheck, a Security Consulting Firm.
Juergen Vollmer
Juergen Vollmer
Security & Quality Software GmbH
In his role he consults companies to exhilarate development time and reduce software development and maintenance cost, while improving internal & external security and quality polices....
Peter J. Wirnsperger
Peter J. Wirnsperger
Peter is the Partner responsible for Deloitte’s cyber risk services delivering services to our global and regional customers. He has a strong track record of implementation projects for...
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