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Jun 10, 2021
IT'S ALL ABOUT ACCESS - Identity & Access Management
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Apr 29, 2021
Panel: Quo Vadis PAM?
Event Recording
Nov 20, 2020
Stefan Rabben: It Is All About Access

Anhand der Darstellung konkreter Business Cases betont der Vortrag die enorme Wichtigkeit von Zugangskontrollen für die IT-Sicherheitsstrategie von Unternehmen. Er beschreibt, welche Risiken und Schwachstellen damit gezielt adressiert werden. Sie erfahren außerdem, wie der Aufbau eines Security-Konzeptes auf Basis von sicherem Access Management konkret gestaltet werden sollte und welchen Mehrwert die Integration einer Access Management Lösung in eine bestehende IT- Infrastruktur generiert.

Event Recording
Nov 20, 2020
Panel - Die Rolle von PAM und wie man mit aktuellen Sicherheitsrisiken umgeht
Event Recording
Nov 20, 2020
Wallix Workshop - It`s all about Access! PAM-Lösungen – SetUp und Mehrwert durch Integration

In unserem praxisorientierten Workshop legen wir im ersten Teil den Fokus auf das Thema Integration in bestehende Infrastrukturen unserer Kunden. Mit dem Fokus auf eine SIEM-Integration zeigen wir auf, wie sich Ihre IT- Sicherheit durch die Investition in eine PAM-Lösung signifikant erhöht.

Im zweiten Teil gehen wir speziell auf die Anforderungen unserer Kunden ein. Wir bereiten eine Teststellung vor und zeigen den großen Mehrwert auf, den auch bereits getätigte Investitionen in die IT-Sicherheit durch die Implementierung einer PAM Lösung erfahren.

  • Integration aus Sicht einer PAM-Lösung mit Fokus SIEM
    • grundsätzliche Integration in die Kundeninfrastruktur
      (Verzeichnisanbindung, Monitoring, etc)
    • Mehrwert einer Integration mit Fokus SIEM
    • Mehr Sicherheit mit MFA

  • Der Weg zu einer PAM-Lösung und seine Wertigkeit
    • Anforderung seitens der Kunden
    • Vorbereitung und Durchführung einer Teststellung
    • Die typischen Use Cases
    • Mehrwert einer PAM Lösung
Webinar Recording
Sep 07, 2018
Privilege Management From the Cloud: Go or No-Go?

The digital transformation is changing the way we do business, and it is also changing the way we have to keep our increasingly complex IT infrastructure agile and flexible yet secure and compliant. Managing geographically dispersed cloud/hybrid environments and the privileged access to servers and other systems therein is a challenging task.

Webinar Recording
Nov 10, 2017
Industrial Control Systems: Understanding the Access Risks and Security Challenges

For decades, Industrial Control Systems have evolved completely separately from traditional IT, with their own business drivers, requirements and regulations and proprietary hardware designs and network protocols. Needless to say, security from cyberattacks was never a priority for operational technology units responsible for managing those systems: after all, they weren’t even connected to office networks. Things have changed dramatically in the recent years: since 2000s, many control systems have switched to commodity hardware and standard networking protocols. The convenience of remote management and monitoring has led to industrial networks becoming increasingly interconnected with corporate IT infrastructures. Also, the growing demand for collecting and analyzing vast amounts of data from sensors and controllers is fueling the growth of the Industrial IoT, which is to a large extent built on low-power computing devices directly connected to the Internet.

Such unprotected ICS and IIoT systems are no longer limited to manufacturing companies or utilities and in fact can now be found across all vertical sectors, including financial services, and cybercriminals are already learning to use them as gateways into corporate IT infrastructures. Unfortunately, people charged with management of those systems still have little or no knowledge of IT security. There is definitely a deficit of security responsibility in this crucial area, further complicated by the traditionally slow upgrade cycles in OT infrastructures, where hardware is expected to remain in service for over 10 years. This webinar  analyzes the risks of unprotected industrial networks, the impact of IIoT applications on control systems and how organizations can successfully manage these risks through effective identity and access management.

Webinar Recording
Jun 29, 2015
Controlling and Monitoring Administrative Access to Enterprise IT
Managing and monitoring privileged access to Enterprise Systems has turned out to be one of the most important aspects of IT security for almost any type of organization.