Christian Tilly

Christian Tilly

With more than 20 years of experience in the management of large IT infrastructures and as a former managing partner of TESIS SYSware Software Entwicklung GmbH in the field of Password & Access Management, Christian Tilly has extensive knowledge in this environment. For a good year now, he has been contributing the expertise he has acquired in the course of his activities to BAYOOSOFT, the business unit for turnkey management software of Darmstadt-based BAYOONET AG.

Focused on highly regulated areas and critical infrastructures, the solutions of the IT Security and Medical Solutions units simplify, automate and delegate customers' processes on a daily basis. Christian Tilly is responsible for the support of important key customers as well as the integration of TESIS SYSware products into BAYOONET AG with a focus on the automated assignment of authorizations, management of identities and the resetting of passwords.

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