Microservice-based architectures allow businesses to develop and deploy their applications in a much more flexible, scalable and convenient way – across multiple programming languages, frameworks and IT environments. Like with any other new technology that DevOps and security teams started to explore in the recent years, there is still quite a lot of confusion about the capabilities of new platforms, misconceptions about new attack vectors and renewed discussions about balancing security with the pace of innovation. And perhaps the biggest myth of microservices is that their security somehow takes care of itself.

Let’s get this thing out of the way first: microservices on their own are nothing more than a method of designing applications as an interconnected system of loosely coupled business-focused components. There is nothing inherent to microservices that would make them more resilient against cyber threats or prevent sensitive data from being stolen. On the contrary, microservice-based architectures rely on new tools and technologies, and those bring in new security challenges and new skills needed to mitigate them efficiently.

In fact, even if we disregard the “architectural” risks of microservices, like cascading failures or service discovery abuse, we have to agree that a modern loosely coupled application is subjected to the same risks as a traditional monolithic one – ranging from the low-level infrastructure exploits to the communication layer and all the way up to attacks targeting the application users. And perhaps no other attack vector is more critical than APIs.

As we have discussed in a recent KuppingerCole webinar, even for more traditional scenarios, API security is still something that many businesses tend to underestimate and neglect, hoping that existing tools like web application firewalls will be sufficient to secure their business APIs. Unfortunately, this could not be further from truth – APIs are subject to numerous risks that can only be successfully mitigated with a properly designed strategy that covers the whole API lifecycle – even before any code is written, let alone deployed to a backend.

In microservice-based applications, where hundreds of individual microservices are communicating with each other and with the outside world exclusively through APIs, the difficulty of securing all those interactions increases exponentially. Due to the nature of these applications, individual API endpoints become ephemeral, appearing as new containers are spun up, migrating between environments and disappearing again. And yet each of them must be secured by proper access control, threat protection, input validation, bot mitigation, and activity monitoring solutions – all those jobs which are typically performed by an API gateway. How many API gateways would you need for that?

Another challenge of microservice-based architectures is their diversity – when individual microservices are written using different development frameworks and deployed to different platforms, providing consistent authentication and authorization becomes a problem – ensuring that all components agree on a common access rights model, that they understand the same access token format, that this token exchange scales properly, and that sensitive attributes flowing between services are not exposed to the outside world. The same considerations apply to network-level communications: isolation, segmentation, traffic encryption - these are just some issues developers have to think about. Preferably, in advance.

Does all this mean that making microservices secure is too much of a hassle that undoes all the speed and convenience of the architecture? Not at all, but the key point here is that you need to do it the right way from the very beginning of your microservice journey. And luckily, you do not have to walk alone – everyone had faced the same challenges, and many have already figured them out. Others have even come up with convenient tools and frameworks that will take care of some of these problems for you.

Consider modern API security solutions that do not just focus on static infrastructure, but cover everything from proactive risk assessment of your API contracts to ensuring that each of your microservices is secured by a tiny centrally managed API microgateway. Or the protocols and standards designed specifically for microservices like Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone (SPIFFE) – essentially the “next-gen PKI” for dynamic heterogeneous software systems. Or even full-featured service mesh implementations that provide a control and security foundation for your microservices – reinventing the wheel is the last thing you need to think about.

In fact, the only thing you absolutely must do yourself is to keep an open mind and never stop learning – about the recent technologies and tools, about the newest design patterns and best practices, and, of course, about the latest cyber threats and other risks. Needless to say, we are here to support you on this journey. See you at one of our upcoming events!

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