On Cloud 9 or Lost In (that) Space
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On Cloud 9 or Lost In (that) Space

Wednesday, May 05, 2010 09:30—10:00
Location: IMAX

Cloud Computing has a variety of terrific characteristics. Some are really new. Some other are well known for years and just come in different form or flavour. Best situation to discover and learn from long-term trends, point at today’s critical issues or smoothly direct the discussion back on track. What processes do user organizations need to manage cloud security risks? Do our experts come across with issues which are considered fundamental five years from now? What impact have all-round cloud self-service for enterprise security management and consistency? The cloud scales. Will security and even identities scale, or do we get stuck in identity silos? Those are the type of questions which guide to new insides, point to discussions in other track sessions and maybe induce others.

On Cloud 9 or Lost In (that) Space
Event Recording
On Cloud 9 or Lost In (that) Space
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On Cloud 9 or Lost In (that) Space
Presentation deck
On Cloud 9 or Lost In (that) Space
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Prof. Dr. Eberhard von Faber
Prof. Dr. Eberhard von Faber
T-Systems / Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH
Eberhard von Faber is Chief Security Advisor, IT Services, at T-Systems and Professor for IT Security at TH Brandenburg. He has more than 30 years of industry experience in the field of IT security...


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